Thursday, 4 December 2014

WALT about financial literacy

I didn'tdo my history of money
In class we earned class dollars for working well or taking responsibility 

In our inquiry groups,we decided what we were going 
to make and sell at the market day

We surveyed another class and used the information to make decision about our product. 

The materials we used
Our process

Our groups poster

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Soccer and gymnastics

This year I participated in



Shaking    pumped

Wossie     Jumping

Warm       Dancing

Excited     Breathless

Dizzying    Tired

Awesome   Fast

Fun            Harried

Amazing    waiting

On Friday I went to Australia for my sister inloors furnurle.We went to the Napier airport and flue to Aucklands airport.We had to wait for ever. We had to wait for 2 hours. And then our flight got delayed so we had to for 15 minutes for the plane.We had to harrie we nearly mist our flight. When we got in the plane.It was very warm. There was a little tv on the back of the seat. All I did was Listen to music. Then when we lauded on the ground. The airplane went fast then slower then it stoped. We hoped off it was 9:15. We went and packed our Laugged. We went out and my mum picked use up. Me my sister and my nan and cousin. Then we went to my brothers house . It took for ever. It took about 3 hours to get to my brothers house. Then we were at my brothers house.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Thank you letter

Clive school 
School road

10th November 2014

Mr P. Bristow

Dear Peter 

Thanks for your help on the river rafting on Tuesday on the mohaka river at mountian valley .It had heaps of Rapids and it was safe with adults on the rafting boat. It was fun with adults on the rafting boat because it made bigger waves. The waves were so big and fun. So thank you so much for the best camp day ever. I think all of the other people enjoyed their time.

Yours sincerely

Te Oriwia

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Monday, 22 September 2014

Math 22/9/14

I can put fractoins on a number line independently. 

I can take away ten and split numbers independently.
I can split numbers independently.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Writing term 3

Cross  country

On cross country day we were getting ready for a fantastic day of cross country. It got held at clive schools car park near the school office. The car park had pretty gardens on the side. With a stone wall going across the car park. With a dark green gate. It was a perfect day to do cross country. The kids were line up in there age group. 8-11 year olds. The 8 year girls started first. But they first did warm ups with Mrs Wilburn. And then they started the race. They had to run to the church and back. Somer came 1st. Then the 8 year old boys went. They did the same as the 8 year old girls. Warm ups then went to the church and back. Tama came 1st.  The 8 year olds looked pink and red. All of the clive kids did warm ups before they started. Then the 9 year old girls
Went. I was with the 9 year olds. When I was walking up nervously. I said to my self. 
“I can do this I can.” Then Mr Wulous said “on your marts get set go.” I joged first and then sprinted. We went to the near clive motel. And back and went around the muddy creek. 
Two times and to the finish line. I came 9th and was ejsorsted. I was so thirsty and tiered. I thought that 9th was a pretty good place. 
And then all of the other age groups went. And the 11 year olds were the last people. It was fun because we were chering to the last 11 year old. We were saying go go go. Then ms North had a speech. And she looked like she was proud. Of the clive kids. And then we got change into our school. Clothes then go back to our class.


In reading we are doing reading on notability 

App sharing

I go to app sharing to go on my I pad and go on sound brush at room 6

Certificate term 3


Spelling city

I started on level 4 in spelling this year and now I am on level 6adv in spelling this year.
I like this game because i like Word-O-pillar.

Thursday, 4 September 2014




Me doing the best at walking across the beam.                                   

Me doing a pretty good bridge.

Me learning how to swich hands. Doing the Hulu hoop. On my hand.

I have been practicing a good and nice rolly polly.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Te rukau

I am really good at:
Working with my buddy.
I need working on passing at the right time.

Thursday, 31 July 2014



The Rubbish bin is in a shape of a cylinder with 1\2 of  a petagon with squares on each side of the petogon. 

It is still like a rock under the sea.

It is the size of a heatpump with a long cube holding it.

The rubbish bin is blue with yellow on it.

The pencil sharpener has got a sharp blade; to sharpen pencils so when we write we don't write in a dirty way. 

It is 7cm and one third so we can easily put the tip of the pencil in.

It is easy to put the tip of the sharpened pencil iin it. Inside the pencil sharpener there are heaps of colour like red purple blue.

The pencil sharpener has a number so you can scan and buy it.


The old man looks like he is in his nineties
with his gray beard and the old clothes.

He looks like he is a statue because he is straight and not moving.

He is wearing a white t-shirt with a black blazer and  jeans.  He is standing by a black mini scooter.

The old man is holding his case and is about to walk across the road so he can go to his work.

Thursday, 3 July 2014


We are having a challenge to see if we have any zero waste 

Monday, 30 June 2014

My popplet lite

In writing we did a Brer Rabbit character study 

Sunday, 22 June 2014


We put food colouring into milk and then added dish detergent. The detergent broke the surface tension so the colours mixed together.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014


On Friday we went to the trainfer station. We went because we are learning about rubbish. Room  8 came with us we went at 9 o'clock we traviled on a bus.
We got to go to the  trainfer station first. Then the landfill I think the landfill was better. Then the trainfer station. But at the Tainfer station Angela was The teacher to talk about rubbish. She talk About which rubbish to recycle and. Also we went back on the bus to the landfill. It was a bumpy ride. At the landfill  Angela talked. About in ten years the big big whole in the ground will be filled. With rubbish but now it doesn't have that much in it. Then we went back on the bus to school. When we we off the bus I said to the The bus driver 
‘Thank you bus driver’ 
He said 
‘Your welcome’
Then we went back to class.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Monday, 14 April 2014

This is my favourite piece of writing in Term1

can see kids working hard and I can feel the fresh air going between my fingers. I can taste the breeze .


In science we made rainbows in a test tube using universal indicators and vinegar and washing soda.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014



Play ground

In this story I worked on using interesting sentence with joiners and correct capitals and full stops.

can see kids working hard and I can feel fresh air going between my fingers. I can taste the breeze. 
The stones are crumbling between my feet.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Spelling city

I am learning my spelling words using lost of tools. I love it because it helps me with spelling.